• Five Things

    My Five Weird Obsessions

    A lot of us have weird obsessions. Wether it’s a certain type of music, or some kind of food, we are all obsessed with something now and then. Which is why I decided to share with all of you my five weird obsessions. Number One: Blankets This one kind of runs in the family. We all love blankets. And every time I go to a store and see a blanket, I feel like I need it. I’m always snuggled up with a blanket. Specially the warm, soft, fuzzy kind. They are the best for reading books with, watching movies with, sleeping with… Yeah, their probably one of my favourite obsessions.…

  • Five Things

    Five Things You Should Never Do on a Plane

    Don’t you just hate that person that always sneezes so loudly on the plane? Remember that person who took their shoes of next to you? Traveling can be a very tiresome experience without already having these problems to add to it. Which is why I’m giving you some tips today on five things not to do on a plane to make everybody’s journey more agreeable. Number 1: Don’t Take Your Shoes Off If this is something you dislike on others, then don’t be that person. It can be very annoying for those sitting around you. Also, you never know how many germs can be around you. This aircraft has probably…

  • How to

    How to Have a Better School Year

    Everyone’s back in school! New year, new friends, maybe even new school? Whatever the case, we all want to have a good school year that we can look back to with a smile on our face.  That’s the reason I’m giving you a few tips on how to have a better school year! Tip #1: Make a schedule Face it, some of us forget what we had for breakfast this morning. And it’s awful when you forget you had to be somewhere someplace sometime. It worse when you forgot to do your homework. To keep that from happening, it’s always a good idea to make a schedule. But beware of…

  • Thoughts

    My Bucket List

    Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog. I’m so sorry that I haven’t been able to post in the last two weeks, but I was away on a trip to Africa and besides being super busy, or lazy, I did not have good wifi. Anyway, I’m back! (Bwahaha) So today I’ll share with you my bucket list. My Bucket List Write a book (Ok, a lot of books, let’s be honest.) Travel throughout Europe (Sounds generic, but I’m allowed to dream, right?) Go to PE Island (Got to visit the Anne of Green Gables museum!) Learn to speak French Learn to speak Dutch Visit the Netherlands (My great grandparents lived…

  • Tips and Hacks

    Things to Know Before a Safari

    I don’t know about you, but going on a safari can be scary. It is a wonderful experience, but you need to have an idea on what to take with you if you’re going to enjoy this to the full. It’s tough, especially when you have no idea what to expect. So today I’m going to share with you a few things to know before you go on a Safari. You’ll need comfortable shoes Do NOT forget about this. You are going to walk and get dirty. It depends a lot on what activities you’ll be doing, but you do not want to ignore this. Your shoes will get muddy,…

  • Literature

    Mystery and Adventure Reading List

    Hi! Welcome back to my blog. Today I though I would share with you my mystery and adventure reading list. So snuggle up and read on! Mystery and Adventure Reading List Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson The Client by John Grisham Left Behind by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Regency Buck by Georgette Heyer God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew Against the Tide by Elizabeth Camden Have you read any of these books? If not, what are…

  • Travel

    Essentials Bag Packing List

    Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Today I’m going to share with you my essentials bag packing list. So, an essentials bag is basically what you’ll be taking with you on the plane, and all the important stuff you don’t want to put in the bag you’re checking in. It is super helpful to know what you really need to carry with you. This can be a life saver! Electronics Phone, iPad, laptop, camera, etc. Chargers (For phone, laptop, and any other device) Headphones (do not forget these in case the airplane has a screen!) Hygiene Stuff Hand sanitiser Baby wipes Clorox wipes Kleenex Deodorant Toothbrush Toothpaste Lip balm…

  • Travel

    Basic Packing List

    I remember going on a trip, and then realising I hadn’t packed my pyjamas! So to prevent that from happening to you, I thought I would share a basic packing list so you don’t leave anything behind. Trust me, it’s not fun. Packing List It is super important to have all you need in your bag, especially on a long trip. When you pack, figure out if you need to pack casual clothing or more formal stuff. This will help you save space, and a lot of frustration! If you want to save time during your trip, take a picture of every outfit and clothes combination so you don’t have…

  • Literature

    With Every Breath by Elizabeth Camden – Book Review

    Recently I found Elizabeth Camden casually sitting on my Kindle e-book recommendations. I read a couple of reviews, and I decided to give her a shot. She did not disappoint! So I decided to give her book, With Every Breath, an honest and well deserved review. Rating:  4 Stars Category: Romance (Clean) Audience: 14+ Kate Livingston is a widow working as a government statistician when her old school fellow and rival, Trevor McDonough, offers her a job in a hospital were he is researching one of the most dreaded diseases of the late nineteenth century, tuberculosis. As they work together, Kate struggles to learn how to trust again while Trevor…

  • Literature

    Five Words to Flabbergast Your Friends

    Have you ever been talking with a lot of people and wanted to add some spice to the conversation but didn’t know how? Well, we’ve all been there. We are surrounded by smart people and we don’t know what to say. But do not fear! Today I am teaching you five words to make your friends gape at your amazing vocabulary. Word #1: Non Sequitur Don’t you just totally dislike that person who is always changing the subject in the middle of an interesting conversation? Well, now you can scold them in a fancy way for doing it, and the word for it is, non sequitur. Non sequitur, n. An…